Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

 Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals 

Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals -बायलर फीड वाटर चेमिकल्स

Explain boiler feedwater and give its specifications generally boilers are used in industries to generate steam which in turn is used to generate power and heat thus boiler is a device for generating steam it consists of two main parts furnace and boiler proper furnace provides heat by burning the fuel and boiler proper is a device where water changes into steam due to heat this steam or hot fluid is then recirculated out of the boiler to be used in various processes in heating applications. 

The water which is fed into the boiler is called the boiler feedwater these days modern boilers require high-quality water to operate efficiently but such water can never be obtained from any of the natural sources as it contains certain impurities the presence of impurities and the water makes it unfit for Use inside the boilers to make the water fit to be used in boilers it need to be pre-treated using numerous strategies hence we can say that boiler feedwater is particularly conditioned. 

Water which is fed into the boiler to generate steam or hot water is generated through a system of heat economy steam produced in the boiler is condensed after use and is returned as pure feed water called the returned water then some freshwater or makeup water is added to this return water it is this combination of return water and makes up water which is fed into the boiler as the boiler feedwater to generate steam.

Note that boiler feedwater depends upon the quality of the makeup water and the amount of condensate returned to the boiler sometimes we see that some impurities settle down at the bottom of the boiler after the steam is produced we know that steam that escapes from the boiler normally. Consists of liquid droplets and gases so the final water at the lowest of the boiler may pick out up all the overseas rely upon this results in the accumulation of impurities at the bottom of the boiler.      

These impurities can be removed by discharging some water from the boiler to the drain such process of blowing the impurities from the boiler to the drain is called blowdown operation to operate and maintain a boiler system efficiently it is important to treat the boiler feedwater properly this is because when steam is produced the dissolved solids become concentrated and form deposits inside the boiler this leads to poor heat transfer and reduces the efficiency of the boiler also the dissolved gas such as oxygen and carbon dioxide react with the metals in the boiler system and this leads to boiler corrosion thus to protect the boiler from such contaminants the boiler feedwater should be treated properly through external or internal treatment. 

The specifications of boiler feedwater before using the boiler feed water in the boiler it should be made sure that it meets the following specifications its hardness should be below points to parts per million its caustic alkalinity should be between 0.15 and 0.45 parts per million it's soda alkalinity should be between 0.45 and 1 parts per million it should be free from turbidity and sediments and it should be free from organic matter oil and grease to avoid foaming note that thermal power stations feed water is usually stored preheated and conditioned in the feed water tank and then forwarded into the boiler through the boiler feedwater pump.

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