Thermax Combipac boiler Manual
Thermax Combipac boiler Manual
combi pack is a hybrid smoke and watertube boiler with (FBC) fluidized bed combustor
offering multi-fuel flexibility
best-in-class efficiency and superior
response to steam load.

provides for uniform distribution and
homogeneous mixing of fuel and air at
steady bed temperature resulting in
consistent and steady combustion
parameters even with low-grade high ash
Thermax FBC units are the market leaders
with applications in various industries
upgraded combi pack where the leader
excels to become better
let us now understand the working of a
fluidized bed boiler
fuel path
the fuel handling system prepares and
conveys fuel from the storage yard to the
bunker fuel is then uniformly
distributed into the combustor and
controlled rates through overbed and
under bed fuel feeding systems to achieve
efficient and controlled combustion
blue gas powered
flue gas generated from combustion
transfers heat to the water and steam
mixture it passes through the membrane
wall before entering the convective tube
banks of shell heat transfer are achieved
by means of radiation and convection hot
flue gas exiting the smoke chamber
transfers heat to coal combustion air in
an air preheater before it enters the
pollution control equipment clean and
cold flue gas is finally withdrawn to
chimney through id fan air pod primary
air fan forces combustion air through an
air preheater where it picks up heat
from the exiting flue gases high
pressure combustion air enters the combustor
through air nozzles which creates
desired fluidization velocity and heavy
turbulence resulting inefficient
intermixing and combustion what apart
cpf is a natural circulation boiler
working on thermosyphon concept in bed
tubes receive saturated water from
boiler drum through the downcomers then
it flows to the membrane wall which
generates water and steam mixture by
receiving heat from flue gas water steam
the mixture moves up and returns back to the
boiler shell through riser tubes due to
buoyancy water circulation ratio is very
important for the safe operation of
boiler lower circulation can lead to dry
out and overheating of dryer tubes fire
tubes in the boiler shell also contribute in
generation of steam separation of steam
takes place at the topmost water surface
the water level in the boiler drum is
maintained by freed water pumps ash
power heavy ash particles are also known as
bedash is removed from the combustor
through the ash drain forms lighter ash
particles also known as fly ash is
collected and discharged through various
outlet points
let's take a look at the premium design
features and benefits of the key
fluidized bed combustor
sand is filled up to a predetermined
level in the combustor
high-pressure air is injected from the
bottom of the bed through specially
designed nozzles that create desired
fluidization velocity and turbulence
producing a fuel bed resembling boiling
fluid fuel is uniformly distributed
throughout the fluidized bed homogeneous
mixing of sand air and fuel causes
effective heat transfer mass transfer
chemical reaction and continuous removal
of ash, which helps inefficient
combustion of fuel with minimum unburnt
loss and lower excess air resulting in
highest efficiency in-bed header
assembly transfers the heat from the fuel
bed to circulating water to maintain bed
temperature thereby minimizing clinker
formation and lowering knocks
in-bed coils exhibit particle
convection phenomenon which helps to
achieve far higher heat transfer
coefficient compared to convection and
furnace provides the best environment to optimize
time temperature and turbulence the
three teams of combustion
this is achieved with optimal combustion
volume retention of heat with refractory
brake and cycloidal injection for
secondary air
membrane panel water wall panels provide
water-cooled leak-tight enclosure to
combustion ensuring proper resistance
time resulting in effective radiate of
heat transfer and lower furnace exit
Thermax has newly introduced a side
enclosed membrane panel assembly with
integral ash settling chamber these
features significantly reduce refractory
content this, in turn, improves initial
startup time lowers refractory
maintenance cost and improves
operational efficiency by lowering air
ingress caused by damaged refractory tube
strip tube design helps to eliminate low
restriction and achieves higher
circulating water velocity thereby
avoiding phase stratification integral
ash settling chamber
ensures better settlement and minimum
carryover of ash particles to smoke
tubes thereby avoiding fouling and
erosion of tubes
it also lowers the furnace outlet
temperature and ensures better uptime
and reliable operation
boiler shell
provides an enclosure to the convective
smoke tubes and required water hold up
along with a large steam-water interface
and higher freeboard to generate high
quality steam with better response to
fluctuating steam loads
air preheater recovers low temperature
heat available with the boiler flue gas
to increase the thermal efficiency of the

combi pack boiler ergonomic design provides
an additional advantage to reaching out to
areas that are not easily accessible
Thermax has introduced the standardized bob
solutions with this new version of
combi pack boiler
pre-engineered to the highest engineering
standards it ensures safe and ergonomic
single point responsibility ensures
hassle-free installation and high
quality of material smart layouts lead
to compact footprints
combi pack comes with a variety of
optional boiler controls and automation
which ensures safe reliable efficiency and
easy to operate the boiler
thermowizz the smart controller
Thermo whiz is an optional plc-based
control panel with touchscreen graphical
operator interface with remote access
these features make it convenient to
monitor and control the boiler in an
intelligent way
innovation with the aim to offer
sustainable solutions to customers are
what makes a combi pack designed to last
pre-engineered bop and modular design
offer multiple benefits to the customers
addressing their requirements and
improving customer experience
combi pack is the ultimate choice which
keeps up to its promise and truly
justifying the best is now getting