Steam boiler inspection checklist

Steam boiler inspection checklist

The boiler is a continuous working device.
Let us see further how to maintain the boiler.

 Daily Boiler Maintenance Check List

Most people think that boiler maintenance should be done once a month or twice a year.  But this is not correct, the boiler is a 24/7 running device.  We Should Always Keep An Eye On It.

 We understand deeply what we can do with everyday boilers.
 1- Check that there is no line leakage by applying round around the boiler.
 2- Check that there is no obstructing material around the boiler.
 3- The readings of temperature, pressure, and level gauge should be in their range.
 4 – The display panel should be checked, if any error code is seen then it should be taken into account immediately.
 5 - Check that there is no blockage in the vent termination.
 6 – Check Combustion Air Opening.
 7 - The sound and vibration of every piece of equipment used in the boiler should be checked.
 8 – People should take readings of each parameter on the basis of the sheet, if anything abnormal is found then immediate action should be taken.

 Monthly Inspection Boiler Check List

 Apart from the daily checklist, some more points are added to the monthly checklist.  It should be checked every month.

 1 – Combustion's air pipe and flue gas vent pipe leakage and blockage should be checked.
 2- Check the relief valve discharge pipe and boiler relief valve.  If there is any leakage and weeping, fix it.
 3-Check the total condensing system of the boiler.  There should be no blockages in the drain valve, PVC fittings, drain system, and drain tape.

 Annual Maintenance Checklist 

 As per IBR rules, it is necessary to inspect the boiler once in a year.  This inspection is done by the government officials appointed by the government.  This is called Boiler Inspector.

 1 – Hydraulic test of the boiler line should be taken.  Leakage should be checked.

 2- The flame of the burner should be checked.  If something seems abnormal then it should be fixed.

 3 – Law water cut-off should be checked in the boiler.  It should be checked whether it works according to the level switch or not.

 4 – The boiler heat exchanger has to be cleaned and if any abnormality is seen then it has to be corrected.

 5 - The tightness of each line connected to the boiler should be checked.

 6 – Every electrical and instrument connection connected to the boiler should be checked.

 7 – The ph level of the water should be in the range.

 8 – The condensate system should be flushed and cleaned.

 9 – The flame sensor, ignitor, and burner assembly should be checked and cleaned.

 10 - Every pipe joint should be checked for corrosion and blockage.

 11- Check that there is no obstruction in the air inlet and vent termination.

 12 - Check the control setting and check the safety device, it must be checked before working.

 13 - Before leaving the boiler, check that each appliance is working properly

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